Why Join the Union?

Typically, union workers receive higher wages than non-union workers. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Why leave the decision of your yearly wage increase to someone whose responsibility is to keep costs down?  Why leave it up to someone who has no idea of your true value? 

As a worker, you have a right under federal law to form a union, select representatives of your choice and bargain collectively with your employer. This helps balance the power that an employer has over his or her individual employees. 

Belonging to a union gives you rights under the law that you do not have as an individual. Once you have successfully formed a union, your employer must bargain over your wages, hours and working conditions. 

Once you have successfully formed a union, your employer is required by law to bargain over your wages, hours, and working conditions. 

Your Legal Rights to Form a Union

1) You have the right to receive information about forming a union.

2) You have a right to discuss forming a union with your co-workers, both at work and on your own time. 

3) You have the right to attend union meetings. 

4) You have the right to pass out information about the union to your coworkers in non-work areas during non-work times. 

5) You have the right to do these things without fear of retaliation from your employer or supervisor. 


United we Bargain, Divided we Beg 

​Office Phone Number


International Union Of Operating Engineers Local 20